Money back guarantee.
Changing the way you think about food sounds really simple and for some it is just that.
Surprisingly, for a number of us, our lead coach James included, its not that simple.
Our relationship with food can run incredibly deep and as such we realise that life gets in the way of the strongest of intentions.
If for any reason you decide that you no longer want to participate in a Your Nutritional Blueprint program then we completely understand. Life throws us curve-balls and we teach you how to navigate through them. We will not hold you to ransom over something that you cant keep up. You are able to stop the program at any point. Please refer to our terms and conditions regarding refunds. If you simply want to pause you are fully able to.
However a lot of what we coach is about being uncomfortable with change. Its natural to feel a bit awkward when you change the whole way you perceive something you held dear. Sometimes these old habits have been with you for a lifetime. We get you.
So unlike your gym membership which people love to pay for and not use, we will nudge you if we think you have switched off.
We will also offer you a money back guarantee:-
If you make it all the way through the program and decide it wasn’t worth it, then as long as you have completed 70% compliancy in your habits and lessons then i will provide a full refund.
Thats a mighty kind offer. You get the whole year of coaching for free. The information, the coaching, the personalisation everything.
As long as you are 70% compliant. Reach out to your coach for advice if you are struggling. Its what we do best….